Matrix get boost from house builder



Matrix Cheer Squad is jumping for joy, thanks to a £500 donation from David Wilson Homes (DWH North West)

The squad successfully applied for funds through DWH North West’s charitable and community scheme, Our Space, Your Place, enabling it to reach its target to purchase specialist tumble equipment, designed to absorb shock and lower impact levels during training.

Andrew Taylor, Our Space, Your Place Project Coordinator and Planning Director at DWH North West said: “At David Wilson Homes, we are dedicated to building strong communities in areas surrounding our developments.

“Matrix put forward a really compelling application, and is clearly inspiring many young people to take up a great sporting activity in a positive and friendly environment, so we are absolutely delighted to be able to support it”

Coach Kirstie said: “We are so grateful to David Wilson Homes for helping support our ongoing fundraising. We are constantly trying to improve our facilities and help support our athletes to improve in all aspects of the sport, as well as give them as many opportunities as possible.”